an artists' view

an artists' view

Friday 27 January 2012

Hare Stone

At Lime Tree Farm in North Yorkshire, stands a stone circle, erected by willing helpers at the end of last century. Each of the stones was put in place at specific points throughout the year, situated in particular directions.
When I went there a few years ago, I was struck by the patterns of quartz, running through the rock. 
To me, it created a Hare. I was seeing a number of Hares during the late 1990's, at lots of different locations. Once you've seen a Hare, you can never mistake them for rabbits! I've seen some huge ones, the size of a medium-sized dog! And they have a very particular way of looking at you; as if they're seeing right into you, and through you. Very magical, are Hares. So it's not surprising that I saw the Hare in the quartz of this stone. 


  1. Sounds intriguing Jan, where is Lime tree farm?

    1. It's near Grewelthorpe in North Yorkshire. If you type in Lime Tree Farm into google, you should get the website. They have a music festival, as well as events. The farm is run as a nature reserve. It's a gorgeous place.

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